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Home Events Comic book reading club by author: Sole Otero

Comic book reading club by author: Sole Otero

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reading club: comic author, Debates/Conferences

June 13, 2024 | 18.00 to 20.00 hours

Free activity upon registration

Meeting on Naphthalene by Sole Otero

The author comic book reading club is a free, monthly, cultural activity in which a stable group of people will meet for one Thursday afternoon a month to jointly analyze a comic that we have read, on our own, in the previous weeks.

This club intends to better understand the work of national and international authors, so we will intersperse works by authors from different origins. The themes and literary subgenres of the selected comics will be very diverse and will cover different sensibilities, themes, formats, interests…

The final objective is to spend an afternoon talking in depth and in a participatory and relaxed way about a comic by a national or international author. There will be participants in this club for whom this is their first contact with the world of comics, there will also be other people who have been enjoying this type of work for years: this will be a form of mutual learning and enjoyment of the work from different perspectives.

We will spend relaxed and fun afternoons around different works selected by Juan Naranjo. We will share, debate, listen to each other and enjoy the art of comics.

Naphthalene by Sole Otero


Naphthalenewinner of the XIII Fnac-Salamandra Graphic Prize, is an exciting reflection on family and identity.

Naphthalene It is an extraordinary family saga that moves between Italy at the beginning of the 20th century and Argentina at the beginning of the 21st, but also an exciting reflection on family, renunciation and sacrifice.

The year is 2001 and Argentina is mired in a serious economic crisis. Rocío, a nineteen-year-old girl, loses her grandmother Vilma and, after her funeral, she moves to the house that she has left for her. In this environment marked by her absence, she reviews Vilma’s life and discovers that her family’s chronicle, for the most part, is tinged with tragedy.

Rocío doesn’t really know what to do with her life, but she is aware that the path her parents propose does not satisfy her. After knowing in depth the reasons that led her grandmother to become an isolated and resentful woman, her greatest fear is that history will repeat itself.

Sun Otero was born in Buenos Aires in 1985. His career was focused on illustration until, in 2015, his book was published in Spain The lint of the days. Since then she has published graphic novels Poncho Fue e Intensethe graphic humor book Always the same story and short comics The one with the red boots y Pangea. Additionally, his work appeared in anthologies Different, Destruction y Pibas. He was part of the groups “True Comics” and “Chicks on Comics”.

She has been invited to various illustration and comic festivals in Chile, Peru, Brazil, Colombia, Bolivia, Spain and Finland, and has participated in group exhibitions in Argentina, France, Brazil, Colombia and Germany. She was a resident of the Maison des Auteurs in Angoulême and at the Casa Tres Patios in Medellín. She has taught illustration, digital illustration, comic strip and daily strip classes, and currently she teaches chromatic narrative seminars on the Domestika online platform.

Juan Naranjo (Málaga, 1983) is a literary translator, book club coordinator and author. He translates books from English and Italian for Spanish publishers. He is passionate about encouraging reading and believes that reading clubs are a way to enjoy an activity traditionally understood as solitary in community.


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