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Worrying hesitations | Culture | THE COUNTRY

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The Los Maños bullfight was not good, no. Very fair in presentation, as befits its origin from Santa Coloma, – it was not easy to discern where the third one contained the 530 kilos that the tablet announced -, comfortable in the face and astifine, very gentle on the horses with the exception of the fourth, without desire attacking, bland, outcast, voyeuristic and lackluster. It was not the best bullfight for the modern bullfighting of three kids who dream of soon taking on the alternative and if it is possible for the ceremony to be held in Madrid, the better. But the bullfighters did not show enough credentials for the attendees to believe that their dreams were possible. Forewarned, perhaps, by their surroundings of the spiciness of the announced bulls, they were seen, from the outset, forewarned, distrustful, defensive, with hesitation unbecoming of those who want to achieve glory.

Jorge Molina offered that impression when he came out to receive his first; bullfighter and bullfighter looked at each other, both standing still next to the boards, neither of them daring to take the first step and go to the meeting. And with crutch in hand, the kid seemed ready to see them coming, but with no apparent desire to get into the fight. His opponent, reluctant to obey, did not make it easy for him, but it cost Molina a world to forget about the dull danger of the bull and draw some worthwhile muletazos.

The thing is that Jorge Molina has a good bullfighting concept. A little more willing, he was seen with the cape in the room, and that bull, the noblest in the bullring, allowed him to draw naturals of a certain substance, especially one of them long and deep, coiled around the waist, but his long work It was uneven and lacked emotion and connection. To make matters worse, he heard two warnings in each of his fields, which are many for whom he has aspirations.

Álvaro Burdiel did not go much further, another who fights well, but who needs a push to wake up from the dream in which he seems immersed. He stole some meritorious muletazos from the very dull second, and his dedication against the outcast fifth was not noticed in the stands.

Bullanguero claimed to be Víctor Cerrato, less happy than his companions, with little sense of temper and knowledge of the terrain. He left no memory of the third, whom he muttered in very short and unremarkable rounds, and the bell saved him from the third warning against the sixth, perhaps the most mobile of the bulls, whom he could not dominate despite his dedication and determination. but blurred by the rush and excitement.

Los Maños/Molina, Burdiel, Cerrato

Steers of The hands, fair in presentation, tame on short-trip horses, dull, worn out and lackluster. He completed the fourth in the first third and was noble in the crutch.
Jorge Molina: _notice_ thrust _second notice_ and a madness (ovation); _notice_ half a thrust, a puncture and almost a full _second warning_ and a mad dash (ovation).

Álvaro Burdiel: somewhat fallen lunge _notice_ and three crazy things (ovation):_notice_ low lunge (ovation).

Victor Cerrato: lunge (silence); two punctures _warning_ half a thrust, four crazy things _second warning_ and five crazy things (silence).

Plaza de las Ventas. May 5th. More than a quarter of admission (7,598 spectators, according to the company).

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