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Home Society Hell is like shit. Marga Bult, Martien Meiland and Rob Kemps cynically hacked | review ★★☆☆☆

Hell is like shit. Marga Bult, Martien Meiland and Rob Kemps cynically hacked | review ★★☆☆☆

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Prepare for the worst – Bert Eeftink “made” Twente Scrooge, the evil farmer in 2022 – you can’t completely avoid it. His halls are full.

As a regional phenomenon, he has nurtured his own audience for years, which (just like him) laughs hilariously. Bar & Boos is a boring title. Although the dynamic Helligen Hendrik is a common name in the Alasax language area. Not in Castricum, Maassluis or Oss, but those interested in Twente, Drenthe and Groningen understand the term “hellfulness”. Something like a character’s password that pretty much sums it up like it is. “Helliness is like shit… ut mut d’r ut!”

Eeftink doesn’t Sort subtlety. In terms of industry, it wants to be classified as a cabaret. This is based on claims he doesn’t live up to. Simply put, he is an “entertainer” representing a non-existent theater genre. He brings to mind something of a lecturer from the past, a joke teller who, on festive evenings and parties, links stories and anecdotes to typical events and characters.

Setting the bar

In Bar & Boos De Tukker chose an excellent idea: a bar setting where he and regular guests discussed the day’s events while enjoying various drinks. However, he has now taken over from the owner of the brown pub. The men and women with whom he used to sit at the usual table are suddenly his customers… The Persian carpet on the floor has been serviced and at regular intervals Paul Schabbink settles down at the keys or grabs his accordion to play the conference or accompany Eeftink in song. Schabbink obviously doesn’t want to spend the whole evening on stage. When he doesn’t need to, he disappears into his wings.

Something remarkable

Something significant is also going on with Eeftink. In the pictures, he knows how to describe the villagers by their nicknames as funny, but in his role as H. Hendrik, he does not blame innocent things. Society’s gentlemen’s clubs and the elderly get the worst situation. He also enjoys cynically disparaging famous Dutch people. By the way, those scenes are not full of humor. Marga Bult, Johan Derksen, Martien Meiland, Thijs Römer and Rob Kemps need not worry.

Vacation pictures, Ameland, the internet, obituaries, the dating site Tinder, poems and French songs make up the bag of topics. Suddenly, a carnival song about death is heard. Surprising. This does not change the fact that Bert Eeftink alternates in some places that are rancid and tacky and testify to vulgarity. His preaching morality in the finale can go. Totally outdated.

St. Hendrik

Event St. Hendrik Plan Bar & Boos production Bert Eeftink (Helligen Hendrik) Tests Paul Schabbink Seen 24/5 Emmen, Atlas Theater (Dagblad van het Noordenzaal) Audience 296 (volume)

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