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Ginés Marín, the value of perseverance | Culture

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The bullfight was another tostón due, above all, to the poor play of the Montalvo bulls, uneven in presentation, very tame in the rods and irregular and lackluster play in the final third. But there was a bullfighter, Ginés Marín, who, at least, made the effort to overcome the complicated conditions of his lot and show that he wants to be a bullfighter.

Marín did not give up or be intimidated by the very short attacks of his first; On the contrary, he summoned the opposing python and forced his opponent to charge against his genetics. Some protests were heard, but the bullfighter’s work only had the defect of his extension, which gave him time to hear a warning before mounting the sword.

Lastly, he received a meek one from José Vázquez, who also did not want to collaborate; but Marín insisted, and his will was so firm that he squeezed the very little brave blood out of his opponent. He was not a reward, but rather recognition for his effort, his will and his honor; a task of a committed and serious bullfighter.

Cayetano returned after the beating on Friday, and it has not been clear if he came in inferior physical condition or with his hopes in tatters. The truth is that the image he projected has not been the best, distrustful, with few ideas, less room, cautious and distrustful. His two bulls did not offer any ease, but the bullfighter was overcome by the adverse circumstances.

And since it was a mixed bullfight, there was a rejoneador, Diego Ventura, whose repeated failure with the death rejón prevented him from carrying a trophy on his second bull; He shone exceedingly from the middle of the task, curiously as a result of two tight pirouettes by the horse Nómada, a bullfighter from the magnificent stable of the Spanish-Portuguese knight. From that moment on, the audience, expectant and silent until then, came up, and enthusiastically cheered Lío’s twists and Bronze’s long muletazos. The bullfighter was Ventura, but the most notable were his equine collaborators. There were, yes, a good third of banderillas, especially a brilliant two-handed pair without header with the aforementioned Bronze.

Come on, the end of the task with that fourth bull, as noble as it was greedy, was very bullfighting, with the crowd raging for the quality of the knight and the horses, and it was expected, as is logical, that there would be a good culmination; but it was not possible. Ventura punctured the bone up to three times and the clamor deflated.

Curiously, Ventura went unnoticed in front of his first bull and it seems that he has a simple explanation: that animal was a holy man, obedient, calm and unhurried, a cart bred for an equestrian exhibition and not for bullfighting on horseback. Ventura trained very well, as is usual for him, on both sides, and the animal accompanied him with more affection than interest in catching up with the horse. And, of course, that game lacks emotion. Later, after the death penalty, Ventura insisted on not making a mistake and unnecessarily prolonged the agony, which, without a doubt, tarnished what had been a clean, accurate and cold performance.

Capea-Montalvo/Ventura, Cayetano, Marin

Two bulls pointed out for bullfighting The Capea, very noble, the first with little enthusiasm and the other very greedy, both applauded in the drag; and four of Montalvo, -the last one, returned as invalid-, unequal in presentation, tame, short-lived, outcast and lackluster. hat Jose Vazquezwell presented and very tame.

Diego Ventura: rejón on high (silence); three punctures and a slap on top (ovation).

Cayetano: prick, thrust and a madness (silence); contrary thrust, thrust _warning_ _second warning_ (silence).

Gines Marin: _notice_ half a straight and low lunge and a jerk (ovation); detached lunge (palms).

Plaza de las Ventas. May 26. Fifteenth run of the San Isidro Fair. Full of ‘no tickets’ (22,964 spectators, according to the company).

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