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Home Events Cyanotype Workshop

Cyanotype Workshop

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Courses and Workshops, La Térmica Mini

One-day workshop: May 25, 2024 | From 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

€ Prior registration required

Cyanotype is an alternative photographic process developed by W. Herschel in 1842, discovered while experimenting with photosensitive iron salts during different photographic developing techniques. With this process we can obtain images in a characteristic blue called Prussian Blue.

Currently there is a resurgence of this ancient technique, either to print existing negatives or to generate frames with this characteristic pigment technique, the process of which is relatively simple and can be made available to anyone through an intensive cyanotype workshop like the one we are going to carry out. .

In this 4-hour workshop we will see a historical introduction to the first photographic processes, authors and works to contextualize the technique and apply it in personal projects.

We will learn how to prepare the support and the dilution necessary to create the photosensitive emulsion in a dark room. We will see how to calculate the necessary exposure times depending on the technique we are going to use and we will adapt them to the different lighting conditions.

Finally, we will do a practice to obtain cyanotypes of plants using frames, we will print film negatives or acetate prints and we will also experiment with different objects to reinforce our creative process.

Jesus Gonzalez: He has been a professional photographer and videographer for more than 15 years. He has worked in areas such as landscape, architecture, tourism and social photography. He is a Higher Technician in Plastic Arts and Design in Photography from the EASD of San Telmo and is currently a Workshop Master in Photographic Technique. Although his work is carried out with digital photography, his passion for analog photography has led him to investigate the first photographic processes and thus teach workshops and courses on this topic.

Elena Krell: She has a degree in Environmental Sciences from the University of Malaga and a Higher Technique in Plastic Arts and Design in Photography from the EASD of San Telmo. Her scientific and artistic training converges in the development of personal photographic projects within experimentation with analog photography, focused on topics such as personal research, historical memory, landscape photography and alternative photographic techniques.


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