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Home Society The tenth International Day of Yoga is celebrated in Suriname

The tenth International Day of Yoga is celebrated in Suriname

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Celebrating the 10th International Day of Yoga on Friday, June 21 will not go unnoticed this year. with a themeYoga for yourself and societyEmbassy of India and Swami Vivekananda Indian Cultural Center (ICC) celebrated this day at Arya Diwaker Hall. The yoga protocol is led by ICC director Somveer Arya.

In the evening, ICC continues the celebration at the Yoga Peetha Happiness Center with a special yoga class and full moon meditation. Activities in collaboration with Art of Living Suriname and Yoga Peetha Happiness Center. Suraj Kishoen Misier, yoga teacher and board member of Art of Living Suriname, says yoga is more popular than ever. “Yoga is practiced more and more internationally and also in Suriname. The word yoga comes from Sanskrit and means to unite. It’s about understanding the harmonious connection between body, mind and soul.”

Today, yoga unites people from different cultural and religious backgrounds all over the world, says Kishoen Misier. “Knowledge is easier and more necessary than ever. More and more people are attracted to the many mental and physical benefits of practicing yoga.” Art of Living has been organizing the annual celebration since 2016. The beginning started last Monday with Yoga for Business. During the week, yoga teachers visit companies and institutions free of charge to offer more than 45 minutes of yoga classes in the workplace. So far, already registered 12 organizations, some of which have sessions over several days, “These are specifically designed to improve well-being, reduce stress and increase productivity in the workplace in a light and accessible way.”

Alysia Samaroo overcame her fear of practicing yoga on Monday. She attended Yoga Peetha Happiness Center’s open day yoga class. He has always searched for his inner well-being, was interested in yoga, but experienced it as an obstacle. Were asanas (physical exercises) something for him? After his first introduction – a one-hour session – he leaves the room smiling. “It was just an obstacle all those years. It was reassuring,” he shares his experience.

After nine years, Whitley Nibte is taking up yoga again. Straight from work, he is also in the open session room. “I’m pregnant and I quickly get short of breath. I thought “can I handle it, I’m going to get tired” but it was too real. You feel peace from the start.” Globally – even in Suriname, ignorant people associate yoga with Hinduism. “I don’t make that link, but I can imagine people do. Maybe because of the (background) music and the OHM voice. I thought so too, but I’ve read about it. “

In 2014, the United Nations (UN) declared June 21 as International Yoga Day. This is the day of the solstice, the longest day of the year when sunlight reaches the earth longer. Near the UN headquarters in New York, India’s permanent mission to the UN together with the UN Secretariat organizes annual yoga events. There are representatives from UN member states, UN officials and staff. The goal is to turn yoga into a widespread movement that emphasizes well-being and promotes global health and peace.

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has already started raising awareness about yoga and its benefits for the body ahead of the festival. He will post a new post on different aspects of yoga every day till June 21 on social media X. On Friday mornings, he himself will conduct a yoga protocol in Srinagar, Kashmir. For Modi, yoga is not just exercise, but a way to connect with nature. Everyone has to start with themselves to help bring change to the world.

There are different schools and types of yoga in Suriname. Kishoe Misier explains that there are originally different ways/paths to experience yoga. “Yoga is very popular today because of the physical exercises, postures and breathing exercises.” There is Hatha Yoga, a path that emphasizes physical exertion to make the body strong and clean. Another path is karma yoga, which emphasizes selfless action. The third path is Raja Yoga, the royal path where all efforts are released in meditation. The fourth path is Jnana Yoga, the path of knowledge and research. On the final path: Bhakti yoga, the path of devotion, perfect love. “The ways to experience unity, harmony, true nature are different. In the art of living, all paths are practiced together with breathing techniques.

In addition to open sessions, the Yoga Peetha Happiness Center organizes dance, meditation and nutritional information (Ayurveda) for a week. The yoga activities around the tenth anniversary will continue on June 21. after. On Sunday, their Art of Living ends with “The Sun Never Sets on Yoga.” In the International Mall Suriname area, yoga enthusiasts can perform a sun salutation at sunrise.

International Yoga Day 2024 will end on June 30 with the second ‘Yoga Festival Suriname’ in Lolo Koekroe’s hall with the theme ‘The six dimensions of man: body, energy, mind, heart, consciousness and soul. An initiative of Noah-Tree Yoga and the team. The festival program consists of exercises, lectures, singing, dancing and meditation. Various yoga teachers and schools, as well as experts in various fields, discuss health, food and spirituality, among other things.

Since declaring 2014 as an international day, the Indian Embassy has been trying to offer yoga as a wellness program in Surinamese schools. Discussions have been held with various ministers of education, but so far the stated intentions have remained unchanged.

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