The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) has granted 12 million euros to the innovation project Hy-SUCCESS: Social, User acceptable, economically sustainable hydrogen systems.
The project consortium conducts research on the socio-economic effects of hydrogen. In the innovation project, hydrogen is studied interdisciplinary from the perspective of technology, business, law, behavioral sciences and industry. For example, the University of Groningen (RUG) conducts research on the role of energy law and environmental psychology. Associate professor Goda Perlaviciute, professor Linda Steg and professor Lorenzo Squintani are conducting research together with several postdoc students and doctoral students.
Removal of worries
Professor Linda Steg will be Hy-SUCCESS’s project director, and she says that behavioral sciences are of great importance. The question is whether hydrogen will be widely accepted or only have a small share in the sustainable energy market. “Hydrogen will not be widely adopted if potential public concerns and legal barriers are not properly addressed.”
Professor Lorenzo Squintani says that currently there are cases where companies want to use green hydrogen but do not have a clear legal path. For example, construction companies want to use green hydrogen as fuel for their construction machines so that they don’t have to emit nitrogen. But they cannot get a permit for small above-ground storage tanks because there is no special permit procedure. As a result, they are forced to continue using diesel.
A social challenge
Squintani: “For me, the award of this project is a wonderful recognition of RUG’s leading role in the socio-economic and legal dimension of the energy transition in the Netherlands, in this case particularly hydrogen.”
“From a psychological and legal point of view, the introduction of hydrogen is a huge societal challenge, and it is important to understand what it means for the entire population and how it should be regulated,” says Associate Professor Goda Perlaviciute.
In addition to RUG, the consortium includes 10 universities, 2 research institutes, 5 universities, a research and technology organization and 3 industrial partners. The technical director of the project is professor Henk Akkermans from Tilburg University.
5 work packages of Hy-SUCCESS The innovation project has 5 work packages, where each theme is led by a different institute.