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Home Culture The passionate truth of Emilio de Justo | Culture

The passionate truth of Emilio de Justo | Culture

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It was a great afternoon starring an enraptured Emilio de Justo, who enraged the square and opened the Great Gate wide open for a few minutes before closing it himself with an erratic handling of the madness.

He made a clamorous return to the ring, with the public on its feet, with goosebumps, after the thousands of spectators who packed the stands experienced unprecedented emotions for many of them, when they saw how a man and a bull can interpret a deed. heroic and artist.

He received the bull on his knees with a long exchange in the third and forced him to humiliate him with the cape to the center of the ring. After a brilliant third of banderillas by Morenito de Arles, De Justo toasted the crowd, gathered his courage and prepared to squeeze the benefits of his opponent.

The animal had been brave on the horse, he came with alacrity in the second third and obeyed with chaste and genius the matador’s crutch. After a low start, a right-handed round signaled the passion that would be experienced moments later. But before the joy, the fear and the prelude to pain; With the deception still in his right hand, he suffered a tremendous somersault in two stages that made us fear the worst, but the bullfighter, miraculously unscathed, returned to the ring; the public, shocked by the shocking images, and bullfighted with overwhelming truth. It was one of those moments in which a hero risks his life knowing that he can win. There were four rounds of natural ones, with the bull embedded in the powerful muleta – the last one facing the front with its feet together -, long, deep, beautiful, magnificently fastened with the chest ones. The emotion took over the people, standing up, before the extraordinary feat of an exceptional bullfighter. He took a thrust that was not enough, he missed with the mistake, two warnings sounded and everything ended in a triumphant return to the ring.

Bland and with little depth was his first, which Veronique did very well upon receiving it, and stood out in a great remove by chicuelinas with very low hands, to which Ginés Marín responded in the same way. He was solvent and comfortable with a bull that only offered difficulties.

For his part, Perera’s afternoon has been a teacher’s lesson; like this, with all the letters. From when he stood on his knees in the middle to receive his first with a long exchange until he finished the return to the change in the fourth; a model of knowledge, technique, site and dedication against two bulls that did not contribute to the victory because the dullness that spread throughout the La Quinta bullfight prevailed in both.

He presented his first performance to the public, believing that it would maintain the joy that he came to demonstrate in banderillas, but it was soon proven that it was a vain illusion. That bull, standing still since its exit into the ring, remained in its tracks until Perera, dressed as a professor of bullfighting, prepared to give a theoretical/practical class on what is command in the bullring. And he did it well: after a thorough study of the situation, he chose to plant the plant on the appropriate ground, lowered his hand and forced the bull to humiliate and obey. And so, defiant and firm, he drew two extraordinary rounds of long, deep right hands, loaded with bullfighting flavor, while the entire plaza assumed that he was attending a master class. But the bull, upset with the power of his human opponent, said that we have come this far and openly threatened to abandon the fight up to four times. Perera decided to change the terrain, closer to bullpens, and two rounds of natural deeps corroborated the feat. Two warnings sounded because the task was excessively long, but very brilliant in content.

He again insisted on the fourth, another bull of the same condition, whose death caused the president of PP, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, which caused division of opinions in the public. Another lesson in a good, firm muleteer, always crossing the opposing piton. The bull put him in several difficulties, but the bullfighter did not give up, in an afternoon of personal grace.

Ginés Marín had no luck with his first one, who went to the tricks with his face held high, dull and boring. And when the sixth appeared, the square was still shaken by Emilio de Justo’s failed outburst. That was the bull with the ugliest build, also dull like most of his brothers, with which Marín showed himself solvent and determined and stood out for his natural qualities before smearing everything with a terrible swordsmanship in the supreme luck.

La Quinta/Perera, De Justo, Marín

Bulls of The fifth, well presented, dutiful on horses, bland, noble and outcast. Bravo and the fifth is in place.

Miguel Angel Perera: warning, puncture, average, one crazy thing – second warning – and three crazy things (ovation); almost entirely lying and rear -warning- (request and return).

Emilio de Justo: lunge (ovation); lunge -warning-, two crazy things -second warning- and three crazy things (vuelta).

Gines Marin: two punctures, half -warning- and a madness (silence); ugly puncture threaded in the bottom -warning-, puncture and thrust (silence).

Plaza de las Ventas. may 17th. Seventh of the San Isidro Fair. Full of “no tickets” (22,964 spectators, according to the company).

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