Wednesday, July 17, 2024
Home Society Want to join the 22nd season of the Glen Tanera Whiskey Society?

Want to join the 22nd season of the Glen Tanera Whiskey Society?

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After ending our 21st year in great style, we are already looking forward to the start of our 22nd season in the existence of the Glen Tanera Whiskey Society! The past year has once again been colored by tasty, versatile, high-quality activities. Several tastings filled up quickly thanks to our members’ systematic pre-registration right. You already know what’s coming If you want to ensure exclusive opportunities to participate in our events in the new season, there’s only one thing to do: become a Glen Tanera (remember) member!

So the message is clear: Glen Tanera Whiskey Society membership is worth it! In addition to being able to participate in our activities at a significantly reduced price, members also have the privilege of registering for the upcoming season!

So don’t hesitate and become a member as soon as possible! As fast as possible ? Quick decision-makers pay only €35, if they transfer before 07.05.2024, the membership fee is €40. You can become a member by transferring the appropriate amount to our known account number. BE92 9796 2284 8523 (in the name of Glen Tanera) with the message: Membership fee period 2024/2025 + name.

Only “Members Only” next season? It just might be possible. So avoid the risk of missing out on one of our activities and organize your membership as soon as possible!

June 18, 2024

Marc Colpaert

Marc Colpaert


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