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Home Culture Ureña’s epic is worth an ear | Culture

Ureña’s epic is worth an ear | Culture

by News Room
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The heroic trance, the drama, the anguish and the trembling, all wrapped in a passage full of outburst and commotion, occurred in the muleta task of the sixth bull of the afternoon, the only one truly encased and brave of a disappointing bullfight. from Jandilla.

He was a red Cinqueño, with beautiful builds, who humiliated and pushed the horse, came happily in banderillas and reached the final third with a defiant, greedy and demanding air. Paco Ureña, who had given him an acceptable start, started the task with some graceful help from above, and fought him with dedication, aware of how much was at stake at that moment. Already in the first round with the right hand, to which the bull went with character, he was impaled without consequences. He returned to quote from afar and the determined attitude of the bullfighter and the transmission of his opponent were evident.

But it was then that the drama occurred: the bull impaled him again on his right leg, causing him to lose his balance, but before Ureña could get away from the vicinity of the bull, it caught him again, threw him through the airs, and the fall on the left shoulder was really shocking. The bullfighter was left helpless in the sand, and was picked up, wrapped in a rag, by his companions who headed towards the infirmary. But already in the alley, Ureña regained consciousness, and with an angry face, he got rid of the assistance, ready to return to the ring. With a lost gaze, obvious gestures of pain, his suit and face stained with the bull’s blood, his left shoulder drooping and with no apparent sense of balance, the bullfighter returned to the bull’s face at the same time as the bullring, moved by what happened in the ring, I tried to encourage him by shouting “bullfighter, bullfighter.”

Ureña was overcome by shame, epic and necessity, but he was not in a position to take up the crutch again. He did it, cited with his left hand, and was able to draw some muletazos more valued for his heroism than for his execution. And so on up to three half-rounds, with the square moved and afraid that the drama would return again. After a short perpendicular thrust, he was granted an ear that Ureña could not walk because he entered the infirmary on his own foot. Brusque and lackluster was his first, without any class, who did not lose face.

This is how the bullfight in memory of Antoñete ended, a tame, harsh and lackluster Jandilla bull run for today’s figures, accustomed to the less problematic and Pastueño bull. But the fight is being lost to the benefit of many passes with little content and depth.

In that tone was Talavante’s passage before the second of the afternoon, a meek with mobility, whom he was unable to dominate, and tried to win with an unequal, accelerated and intemperate task. The fifth fooled the crowd, as he performed in rods, galloped in the second third and showed very good manners for the muleta, but, no. He soon lost his hands, and the bullfighter lost, in turn, his ideas and spirit, so he looked for the sword, and cut short.

Aware, perhaps, that his prestige was also at stake in this celebration, Manzanares seemed more in tune and dedicated than in his isidril afternoon. He had to stop four bulls due to the disability of the two bullfighters, and he could do nothing about his afflicted second, but he made an effort on the one who opened the bullring, a meek one who fled from his shadow since he appeared in the ring, and who turned the bullfighter over. shortly after starting the crutch task. And the scare took effect. Manzanares put together an inappropriate race, endured the abruptness of his opponent, who attacked in waves, and managed some acceptable muletazos with both hands.

Minutes after the celebration ended, Ureña got into an ambulance heading to a health center where the pertinent tests will be performed to find out the extent of his injury; In the plaza there remained the deed of a bullfighter punished by the bulls and the dispatches, a hero who deserves better luck.

Jandilla-Vegahermosa/Manzanares, Talavante, Ureña

Five bulls Jandilla and one, the third, of Vegahermosa, -the fourth, returned as invalid-, unequal in presentation, meek, lazy, outcast and lackluster; compliant in rods, constrained and demanding the sixth; hat of The pillar, also returned as invalid; second hat, made of the same iron, well presented, tame, loose and uncast.

José María Manzanares: low lunge (ovation); two jabs and thrust (silence).

Alejandro Talavante: prick and thrust _notice_ (silence); puncture, half crossed and two crazy things (pitos).

Paco Urena: low lunge (silence); short perpendicular lunge (ear). He was knocked over by the sixth bull, and the medical report indicates that he suffers a fracture that displaces the middle third of the left clavicle, with a reserved prognosis.

Plaza de las Ventas. June 16. Bullfight In Memoriam of Antoñete, and in memory of the Madrid bullfighter, a minute of silence was observed. Full of ‘no tickets’ (22,964 spectators, according to the company).

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