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Home Culture Alejandro Chicharro, good taste | Culture

Alejandro Chicharro, good taste | Culture

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It must be very disturbing, and also exasperating, to draw clean, long strokes and have the only company be the silence of the lines; On the contrary, it should be a pleasure to feel that your bullfighting reaches the public, that you have them interested and that they hope that you will be able to complete a work that is emerging according to your own dream.

This is how the bullfighter Alejandro Chicharro must have felt this afternoon in Las Ventas, who already enjoyed the joys of victory last May 1 when he left through the Puerta Grande, and today he was about to see Alcalá Street on his shoulders again. , but what he saw was the door of the van.

The change has been so abrupt because the bullfighter, who displayed in his previous performance an accurate handling of the rapier, has missed his aim, and by puncturing his two bulls, the triumphant exit that, without a doubt, had been closed, has been closed. won with its high bullfighting concept.

Because Chicharro has handled the cape and the muleta with great taste, in airy veronicas and in heartfelt muletazos, very well drawn, deep, loaded with feeling and grace. He gave the public his first, noble and repetitive, he started low with his genuflexed leg in a round linked with a long chest pass. Up to three other natural ones emerged later, tempered, beautiful and linked; an artist’s stroke also with the right hand and some final tight ballet flats gave way to the blur of the sword, and everything was left in a requested return to the ring.

The sixth was very soft, one of those steers that you have to treat with restraint to keep them standing and please the crowd. And Chicharro’s work, with the half-height deception, was a demonstration of courage and clear ideas, so that there were statues with very established ground, at least three naturals of true category and brilliant chest passes thanks to their disposition and good cut. But when the public was convinced of his artistic ways he clicked again, and the bolt of the Great Door did not move.

A different case has been that of his companions, both of considerable height, which in principle does not benefit the aesthetic composition before the bulls.

Lalo de María showed that he has a craft and that his technical evolution is positive, but his many passes to the noble and greedy first steer did not find the desired echo in the stands. The task was clean and long, like the silence that the bullfighter heard, perhaps surprised by the attitude of the plaza. But there is a mystery that is that of personality, which comes and makes an impact or not. Nor did they pay much attention to the fourth, a noble and soft bull, in her work.

And Pepe Luis Cirugeda appeared with picadors in this square, and it has been seen that he has a long way to go; That is to say, that his job is short, and that he does not handle deceptions with ease, even though he waited for the fifth with a long change of knees in the middle, in front of the bullpen gate.

He got the worst batch, the second one was broken and over-pointed, and the other one was very slow, with both he was cheerful and insistent with the crutch, but in both he said out loud that, for the moment, the sword is a very earring.

Guadaira/Of Mary, Cirugeda, Chicharro

Five bulls Guadaira, -the second and the fourth, returned as invalids-, well presented, compliant in rods, soft, noble and with class; the fifth and the two hats, of on Torrehandwell presented, gentle and standing the first, and compliant on the horse, soft and noble the other two.

Maria’s Lalo: short counter lunge (silence); prick and counter thrust (silence).

Pepe Luis Cirugeda: three punctures _warning_ puncture and short thrust (silence); five punctures and a short, opposite and crossed thrust (silence).

Alejandro Chicharro: prick _notice_ and thrust (request and return); deep puncture _warning_ and four crazy things (ovation).

Plaza de las Ventas. May 28 Sixteenth celebration of the San Isidro Fair. More than three quarters of admission (18,547 spectators, according to the company).

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