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Home Events More human urban furniture. With Aída Gómez

More human urban furniture. With Aída Gómez

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Courses and Workshops, La Térmica Mini

Two-day workshop: May 16 and 17, 2024 | From 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

€ Prior registration required

Urban art, an increasingly ubiquitous expression in our cities, not only serves as a powerful tool to foster dialogue within the community, but also provides an enriching and fun experience. It is one of the most accessible artistic forms, allowing people to interact directly with it in their everyday environment, thus becoming a palpable symbol of our power to creatively transform the space we inhabit and, therefore, our reality.

During the course of this workshop, the artist Aïda Gómez will share with the participants not only her work processes, but also a wide range of techniques and possibilities for carrying out artistic interventions in public spaces. Through her experience, attendees will have the opportunity to explore how to use art as a means to rethink and redefine the urban environment around us.

We will discover the keys to carrying out a practical exercise around urban furniture with the intention of looking at everyday life through a mischievous lens. From benches and fences to transport stations and litter bins, we will analyze these public access elements from both an urban and artistic perspective. What characteristics make an item successful in terms of public use? What could be considered obstacles to the development of urban activity? How many of these elements have been intervened and in what condition are they?

Throughout these sessions of exploration and reflection, we will question our relationship with the urban environment in which we live. What aspects constantly capture our attention? What things have we normalized without questioning their functionality or aesthetics? What changes do we consider necessary and how could we implement them effectively?

This workshop is inclusive and accessible to people of all ages, from 16 years old and up. No prior knowledge is required, just an open mind and a willingness to experiment with creative techniques that can positively transform our shared public space.

Aida Gómez (Madrid, 1986) has a degree in Fine Arts from the University of Castilla La Mancha. She studied sculpture at the Kunsthochschule Weißensee in Berlin and has been an artist in residence at various institutions in Argentina, Poland, Iceland, Portugal, Germany, Mexico and Holland.

His work explores popular elements such as games and diverse urban elements such as monuments, urban furniture or nature, which he uses to offer us a more imaginative and surprising reading of our city.


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