Almost a month ago, at the beginning of the Goya Awards Dissemination Campaign in Granada, a city that hosts this Saturday the 39th Gala of delivery of these awards, were installed by various locations up to eight large replicas of approximately two meters high of The statue that winning filmmakers will receive. Last morning, in an action that had been preparing for some time, various social groups have used each of them to, they explain, “make visible the problems that affect Granada citizens.” And they have done so, explains a spokeswoman for this newspaper, written messages that “transmit in each of the statues some of the demands that frustrate us most and that affect the Granada citizenship.” Around noon, all statues were clean again, except that located in Plaza Nueva, which could not be washed.
Represented by the fridays for future movement and under the motto The protagonists of Granada: its peoplethe claim is the work of numerous groups, as explained by a spokeswoman, each focused on different causes. Hence, with liquid chalk and markers, each of the replicas has reflected a different message.
According to a statement sent to the media, the action has its origin in “the lack of institutional response to key issues such as access to housing, air pollution, precariousness of public health and mass tourist. They have also claimed feminist, environmental, anti -racist, proportine struggles and in defense of LGTBIQ+rights, as well as the situation of neighborhoods in a situation of greater vulnerability, such as Northern District, where light cuts remain a chronic problem. ”
“Vivas we love each other”, “We cannot breathe”, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will win” or “we end the housing business” are some of the slogans that until cleaning have been read in the replicas of the Film awards. According to the spokeswoman who has spoken with the country, “politicians have wanted to use Granada as a very beautiful canvas and we wanted to remind him, using the Goyas that they themselves have installed, that there are many problems pending to solve. ” According to their statement, “they always use Granada as a scenario for their beauty, but those who live here are also entitled to enjoy it. We cannot do it if our health is at risk, if our identity is questioned or if we do not have access to decent housing. We claim a habitable grenade: ecofeminist, inclusive and for all people. ”