At 46 and with a statuette for ‘Maixabel’ under his arm, the Bilbao actor opts for the best protagonist for ‘Soy Nevenka’: “I am ashamed to belong to the male gender, and I am forced to ask for forgiveness”

In 2021 to Urko Olazabal (Bilbao, 46 years old) changed his life. Anyone in one of the audiovisual communication classes that then taught Bilbao’s kids said, half jokingly, that if he won the Goya award for Maixabel He would have to leave “almost without saying goodbye” in February. His students of the ikastola (Basque cooperative schools that teach the classes in Basque) responded as they use: “What flipau” “Pussy, because the Goya (Best Supporting Actor) arrived and I had to leave it, because I also had just opened my interpretation school, Bizie with my wife. I had to choose, ”he recalls now to have achieved something more difficult yet: stay in the trade. Because this Saturday the actor opts for his second big head, this time as the protagonist in I am Nevenka. In both I have directed Icar Bollaín.
Long before the Ikastola, at age 14, Olazabal worked by riding Chinese bicycles clandestinely. “They gave me 500 pesetas for each one, and with that I bought my first TV to watch cinema. In the end everything led me to the same, ”he recalls by videoconference from his Bilbao school, surrounded by the posters of his recent films, such as 13 exorcisms o Ira. There he also has his Goya statuette. “The other day a student asked to see him: ‘But Urko has a Goya? Oysters, I didn’t know it was so good. ‘ I like that they do not come for me, ”he takes pride.
Trailer of ‘Soy Nevenka’
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Actually it was not until sculpture was studied at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of the Basque Country when Olazabal was aware that his vocation was interpretation. Suddenly, he began to make short films with friends, and stung the bug. Then the road brought everything: it harvest; He worked in “one of those famous hamburgers”; in colonies as a child animator; in the Felipe pastry of a friend, where he ended up rolling corporate ads; putting and removing carpets at the sampling fair; Mounting concerts from the BBK Live and Azkena Rock festival; on tour with Mägo de Oz and Fito as a mounting technician … “And I also had my business business business low cost”, Review for the country. A tanned actor in all kinds of places. “The one ikastola It was a trenches work, it is heavy metal. The first day you are looking to teach everything, but then you realize that 80% is that they remain silent and 20% apply knowledge. ”
Although he had to also delegate to his current school for other works, today he tries to convey to his students between 10 and 17 years all those lessons: “Here they do want to come and are much more attentive. Soon they take the idea of being famous. I tell you that they will get it, but that there is effort behind and a lot of discipline. That have to form in other things and look for an alternative for maintenance. They will not always pay you for art, and you have to eat. An actor cargo vans with the scenery, goes to villages with the theater. Many bowling, not getting to the end of the month … you can act in an association of retirees or a school, and surely have to put drinks on weekends. Most actors are like that. And one day the bell may sound, as happened to me. ”
While he says he never felt that he had failed for not achieving the dream (“because I always took everything very seriously”), he was about to leave it. Until with more than 40, it arrived Maixabel. “Someone told me after brand new: you are an actor and that’s it, not a dilentary man as until now. I didn’t believe it, because it was my hobby”, He points out what he pushed him that role of repentant Etarra:“ After filming, I called Icíar (Bollaín, the director) to tell me what I could learn and improve. And she replied: ‘But Urko, don’t you know the work piece you have done? ” I couldn’t imagine it. They began to nominate everything and the projects accumulated, in common serieso Detective Touré y Red queenalso taking advantage of the boom of filming in Euskadi. Because, if he catches nearby, he can go from home in Muskiz, next to the beach and the mountain. While running in the morning.
Of all experiences, Olazabal seeks to form. When he made corporate ads, he learned to edit videos, spending a Hodgkin lymphoma at 35 learned to “place” in another way in life, and with I am Nevenka He has learned to see machismo with other eyes. The process to enter the mind of Ismael Álvarez, mayor of Ponferrada denounced by the councilor, was not simple: “I took the role home. He is someone who had no empathy. He will never apologize. Today I am ashamed to belong to the male gender, and I am always forced to apologize. ” The actor has reflected a lot about this matter: “The case of Errejón, so Elisa Mouliaá recounts, is similar. The Carretero Judge did the same as the prosecutor did with Nevenka, revictimize the woman. And depending on political sensitivity, it is believed or not. There is an abuse of power and is everywhere. Also in the cinema … an adult knows perfectly when there is consent. But there are still people who even deny the gas light, which annuls the woman completely, disorient her so that she does not know what reality is. ” In its old ikastolaprecisely, this year appeared an alleged case of pedophilia denounced on social networks.
He sees that something has changed in these decades: “Thanks to the accounts denouncing, you can first report socially. They are tied up with women who say that the same thing happened to them with that person, even without saying who he is, ”he says, although he says he understands that his direct speech generates distrust:“ Sometimes they say: I do not trust him, other aliade further. I understand it, because we are all in question and deservedly, because the macho inheritance persecutes us. We have to learn to treat them in another way. ” With I am Nevenkabetween documentaries and when reading abusers to understand how they thought, he discovered that “subtlety of sexist violence,” he says: “I said, careful, because I began to understand and thought: eye that he can be you.” Today he acknowledges that chista to friends when they pass in a bar: “They tell me: ‘How are you getting’. But we have to provoke the world we have and want. ”
He also built his: “Once a veteran actor who lived in Madrid came to the school where he studied and the first day said: ‘If you intend to be actors here, forget it, you will not get it.’ I stayed … let us have illusions. ” Today that throbbing illusion, after rolling Sacamantecas y Under your feettogether with Maribel Verdú and little Sofia Otero, who spent four weeks in her school before 20.000 species of bees. He says he has learned more from her than the other way around. “The Urko of five years would freak out with anything that happens today, until having a school,” he concludes.
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Years have spent fires in the Social Network Team of El País and now he is dedicated to talking about cinema, series, comics and what is put through him from the Culture Section. He doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle.
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