Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Culture The Professor of Art History Enrique Valdivielso dies after declaring a small fire in his home | Culture

The Professor of Art History Enrique Valdivielso dies after declaring a small fire in his home | Culture

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The Professor of Art History, Enrique Valdivielso, and his wife, Carmen Martínez, have been found dead this morning in his central house in Seville. According to the first investigations of the National Police, the octogenarian marriage could have died from the inhalation of smoke as a result of a punctual fire produced by the explosion of a charger, a mobile phone or an electric strip, although the causes continue to investigate, the causes continue to investigate, According to official sources.

It was a relative who went to visit them this morning who found the bodies. The Local Police and the Firefighters went to the home after receiving the notice, where they did not appreciate fire, but an intense smoke. “It has not been a large fire, but a focus of small dimensions,” detail the sources consulted, that they need that the flames were so located that no neighbor noticed, until around 10 in the morning they received the notice of the member of the family.

The Emeritus Professor of the University of Seville, was born in Valladolid in 1943 he was the greatest specialist in the work of Bartolomé Esteban Murillo. He was the author of the latest reasoned catalog of the Baroque painter, and curated several exhibitions dedicated to the Sevillian artist and other contemporary authors such as Valdés Leal or Zurbarán.

His deep interest in the Sevillian Painting School led him to promote the restoration of the tables of the altarpiece of the church of Santa Ana, in the Trian Santa María la Blanca and in the Hospital de la Caridad, which had been stolen in 1810 during the War of Independence by the French Marshal Sault.

This interest in recovering the works of art picked up by the Napoleon military, led him to recover around 300 paintings made in Seville between the end of the XVI and the XVIII and who is currently disseminated in museums and private collections of everyone. A job collected in the book Visual recovery of lost heritage. Missing sets of the Sevillian painting of the gold centuries (University of Seville).

Although retired from teaching, Valdivielso never lost contact with the academic world and art. In fact, this week he had presented at the Royal Sevillian Academy of Good Lyrics, of which he was a member, a new edition of his book Campaign Pedro. Flemish painter in the Seville of the Renaissance (Athenaica editions).

The house in which he has died with his wife, a professor of Latin, had belonged to Luis Montoto and he himself was responsible for revealing places and data of the original housing and his former owner to all who invited his home. In recent years, one of his crusades was that Murillo’s work, The tears of San Lorenzoone of the auction pictures after the bankrupt , at the Focus Foundation in the Santa Cruz neighborhood.

The sudden death of Valdivielso has left the world of Sevillian arts, arts and academy. The University of Seville, which was incorporated in 1976, has stressed that the professor “leaves a great mark” in that institution. “It has been one of the most prestigious specialists we have had in art history with international recognition in the field of painting. He is remembered as an excellent teacher, in addition to a tireless researcher, ”followed the statement they have disseminated. The Minister of Culture, Patricia del Pozo, and the mayor of the Andalusian capital, José Luis Sanz, and her predecessor, Antonio Muñoz, have also remembered in their social networks.

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