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Home Culture The new Bullfighting National Prize confirms the politicization of the Toros Party | The bull, for the horns | Culture

The new Bullfighting National Prize confirms the politicization of the Toros Party | The bull, for the horns | Culture

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“Enough of bullfighting politicization; The bullfighting is not right -wing, is not left. Bullfighting, like culture, belongs to the people and people who want to feel and enjoy bullfighting as a show and universal art. ”

These words were pronounced yesterday by the bullfighter already retired Julián López el Juli in the act held at the headquarters of the Government of the Community of Madrid, on the occasion of the presentation of the new National Award of Tauromaquia. Without pretending, the Juli appointed the rope in the house of the hanged, because in the central courtyard of the Royal Correos house the official politicization of the Fiesta de los Toros was being signed.

Juli repeated what all bullfighting has been saying for years, -which is not right -wing or left -while the Popular Party seized bullfighting.

It is already known that the origin of this rugged matter lies in the current Minister of Culture, Ernest Urtasun, who shows his sectarian sense of democracy, decided to breach the current law and suppress the National Bullfighting Award that was awarded since 2013 in equal conditions with other cultural industries.

What does the Senate paint as a promoter of a bullfighting award?

Before an aggression as illegal as it unacceptable, the Toro de Lidia Foundation (FTL), chaired by Victorino Martín, resorted to the elimination of the award before the contentious-administrative hall of the National Court-of what you still have no news-,, while promoting the creation of a substitute award with the Senate – with the absolute majority of the PP – and nine autonomous communities contrary to the decision of Urtasun, (Madrid, Andalusia, Valencia, Aragón, Castilla y León, Extremadura, Murcia, Cantabria and Castilla-La Mancha) all of them with conservative governments except for the last one, in the hands of the socialist García Page.

And the final agreement between these three parties is the one that has now been presented in the Community of Madrid.

To begin with, the National Bullfighting Award has passed from the institutional land to the merely political. The bullfighting, represented by the FTL, desists from fighting with nails and teeth for the recovery of a robbed right with alevosía, and is thrown into a political option that pretends more than obtaining profitability in the scrambled river promoted by the Minister Antitaurino .

El Juli, during his speech at the Royal Correos House.Toro de Lidia Foundation

What does the Senate paint as a promoter of a bullfighting award? Doesn’t it have anything better to do?

Are the nine autonomous communities that have come out in the photo?

Works are love and not good reasons. All of them are filled with the mouth of support to the cultural heritage of bullfighting, but reality shows that their bullfighting does not happen.

At the outset, they do not seem to be very clear if the bulls are culture or not at the time of their location in the Ministry that deals with this sector. The following list is fed up:

– Community of Madrid: Bulls depend on the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture and Interior.

– Junta de Andalucía: Ministry of the Presidency, Interior, Social Dialogue and Administrative Simplification.

– Generalitat Valenciana: Ministry of Justice and Interior. Ministry of Culture and Sports for promotion and promotion.

– Junta de Castilla y León: Ministry of Presidency. Ministry of Environment, Housing and Territorial Planning. Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Sports for the purposes of promotion and promotion.

– Board of Extremadura: Ministry of Forest Management and Rural World. General Directorate of Rural Infrastructures, Heritage and Bullfighting.

– Governing Council of the Region of Murcia: Ministry of Presidency, Spokesperson and External Action. General Directorate of Local Administration.

– Government of Aragon: Ministry of Presidency, Interior and Culture. Public games and show service. General Directorate of Interior and Emergency.

– Communities Board of Castilla La Mancha: Ministry of Finance, Public Administration and Digital Transformation. Public show service and administrative authorizations. General Directorate of Civil Protection.

– Cantabria Government: Presidency, Justice, Security and Administrative Simplification.

Are the nine autonomous communities that have come out in the photo?

And the same happens in those other ‘bullfighting’ communities that have not adhered to the prize, as is the case of Navarra, where bullfighting is registered in the Department of Presidency, Equality, Public and Interior Function; In the Basque Country, in the Ministry of Security, and in La Rioja, in the Ministry of Health and Social Policies.

(The sad paradox is that the central government, the most antitourine of all, is the only one that maintains bullfighting in the Department of Culture).

But we had not remained that bullfighting is cultural heritage? How do bulls, like any other discipline of this field, are not in the Ministry that corresponds to them legally?

And moreover, do bullfighting receive in the budgets of these governments on equal terms with other cultural industries? No.

And both issues are much more important than supporting the granting of a bullfighting prize to mark political distances with an uncompromising ministry.

In other words, bullfights do not want to find out that politicians of every sign, with very few exceptions, do not interest bulls. And there are the tests: I love you a lot, Torito, but Pan Poquito …

The Toro de Lidia Foundation is the only organization trained to award a bullfighting prize until the stolen award is restored. It is the entire sector – business, ranchers, bullfighters and fans – the call to fight to satiety to recover lost equality.

But the bullfights, in sight, prefer the accommodation of a political option, whatever, before undertaking the commitment that guarantees respect for the bull party.

It is true that Urtasun’s extremism has opened the eyes of many who now return to the squares as an act of rebellion; But he also exposes the passivity of the bullfights, unable to look beyond their noses.

Victorino Martín has reasons to feel satisfied: Bullfighting already has who granted an award. But, perhaps, his bonhomy prevents him from understanding that it is not a brilliant idea politicizing the party of bulls.

In case there was any questions, and without pretending, Juli made it very clear before everyone.

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