Monday, March 10, 2025
Home Culture Justice dismisses the prohibition of popular celebrations decided by the Valencian City Council of Quart de Poblet | Culture

Justice dismisses the prohibition of popular celebrations decided by the Valencian City Council of Quart de Poblet | Culture

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The Contentious-Administrative Court No. 1 of Valencia has estimated entirely, with the coasts to the City Council, the appeal that filed the Peña Taurina Quart de Poblet (Valencia) against the Denegatory Resolution issued by this municipality of socialist majority for the celebration of bullfights Popular (Bous al Carrer), according to a statement issued by the Peñas de Bous Federation to the Valencian Community Carrer.

The sentence, which has been made public after a year and a half of the judicial process, considers the refusal of the City Council unreasonable and arbitrary, and those affected are described as “a victory of culture and freedom against ideological postulates, respectable, but contrary but contrary to the law and the Valencian and Spanish culture and traditions ”.

According to the Federation of Peñas, the relevance of the sentence is given by the interpretation carried out by the Court of art. 15.1 of Decree 31/205 (which approves the regulations of the popular celebrations in the Valencia Community), which establishes that the competence for the authorization of the celebration or not of the bullfighting celebrations is autonomous and non -municipal.

As explained by the Valencian Peñas Federation, “this rule contradicts the interest of some administrations that understand that they can issue an unfavorable statement for the mere fact of being ideologically contrary to recognizing bullfighting as a cultural expression and common cultural heritage of all Spaniards” .

In this regard, the sentence indicates that “Decree 31/2015) does not invade municipal powers (since the authorization of the celebrations corresponds to the Generalitat, not to the municipality), nor does it assume that the municipalities make decisions that correspond to the autonomous administration, which is the competent administration to authorize the celebration of Bous al Carrer ”.

The Federation of Peñas de Bous al Carrer announces, finally, that will be opposed to the appeal raised by the City Council on the sentence, and “calls for the responsibility of the mayor and the other members of the municipal government, who are obliged to comply with the tax imposed to public authorities by Law 18/2013, of November 12 for the regulation of bullfighting as a cultural heritage, which in its article 3 establishes that ‘will guarantee the conservation of bullfighting and will promote its enrichment, in accordance with the provisions of Article 46 of the Constitution ”.

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