Justice has read the comic twice The Child Jesus does not hate the ladybugs. And still without seeing anything criminal. That is, only the simple publication of a satirical book. Hence, the complaint of the Spanish Christian lawyers against comics has definitively dismissed, for provocation to discrimination and hate and sexual provocation, in addition to accusing him of “Pedesty Apology.” The order issued on January 29 by the Provincial Court of Valencia, to which the country had access, dismisses the resource of the ultra -Catholic organization and closes a case on which it came to say to Elon Musk. In favor, by the way, Christian lawyers: “This is crazy,” wrote the richest man in the world in his social network, X, about Don Julio’s work, published by FandoGamia.
The Valencian Court has concluded precisely the opposite: it confirms the dismissal, which decided the Court of First Instance and Instruction number two of the Quart de Poblet on October 21, and also condemns the complainants to pay all the procedural costs “for the recklessness manifest with the interposition of the resource ”. The five -folios car includes more darts to Christian lawyers: remember that they alleged their complaint “null test practice” and considers its “absolutely subjective interpretation, and we would say that away from the social and cultural reality of our times.”
Thus ends a roller coaster that started with the publication of an ironic booklet in Spain and ended up becoming controversial to both sides of the ocean on freedom of expression and protection of minors. The work of Don Julio Parodia the activities of activities for children with a series of exercises that seek to ridicule homophobia. Christian lawyers, however, took his approach to the letter and accused him of pornography. “They understand that the book in question contains coloring pages full of hypersexualized images (…), offensive and degrading illustrations against the church and sexualization, going aimed at children,” read in the first instance ruling. “The publication cannot be understood addressed to minors which is duly documented” in the original car, the Provincial Court of Valencia now adds.
Nor do the judges see any evidence of the alleged crime of hate, especially towards the religious and the Catholic Church. They emphasize that a fundamental requirement is missing: incitement towards it, direct or indirect. And they write: “There is no data that allows us to consider that a certain publication, which is made and presented in the exercise of constitutional rights such as freedom of expression, contains expressions or phrases or graphics constituting the crime of hate.”
The comic includes phrases such as “Catholics say that homosexuals offend God”, “The Bible was written more than 2,000 years ago by people full of prejudices” or “the other option would be to admit that God is a shabby and his great work is badly done ”. There are vignettes where two lesbians end up burned in the bonfire by a priest, a game is proposed to help Manolito tell their parents that it is gay, or read: “If you are a homophobe you can leave.” Although what most unleashed the outrage of Christian lawyers was “Activity 6: Tangle of Pitos!”, Which invites the reader to detect which one, among the penises of several characters, is practicing anal sex with the young Bartolomé, four to four paws. “It’s ridiculous. Each page disassembles one of those excuses they have to hate people. If perhaps, the crime comes for its part, ”said Don July in May 2024, when the complaint was filed.

The author had previously made a similar notebook, Being fascist is wrong. And included The Child Jesus does not hate the ladybugs circulated with some normality for weeks, under the label “Notebook for adult activities”. Chaos began when, according to the editor of Fandogamia, Pedro Medina, the Synopsis of the comic in Amazon placed it in the strip: “For over six years.” The seal warned of the error and asked to fix it, but it was too late. He started a snowball of videos in networks and accusations, which culminated in the complaint of Christian lawyers. And now, in the second and last car.
Medina argues that, since then, neither Amazon nor some of the main bookstores have recovered the comic, no matter how much he insisted with the distributors. And trust that the judicial decision reopens the way for its dissemination. Meanwhile, FandoGamia published another book by Don Julio in December: Historical waste 4: Glory, homeland and endogamy, A satirical vision of the history of Spain. And prepares the launch, in April, of a new notebook of activities of the same author, on immigration. Impossible to be wrong about its content: it will be humor for adults. He has said it until justice. Twice.