At the end of the night, the most anticipated moment came: the announcement of the best Goya 2025 film. The envelope was opened. A name was heard: 47. Music, hugs, triumph. But, within a few seconds, another title was heard: The infiltrated. More music, more hugs, and an unprecedented shared success that is already part of the history of the awards. It had never happened in the 38 previous editions of the gala. Marcel Barrena’s film and Arantxa Echevarría tied in the votes of the near 2,000 academics, hence both winners will be from the same level. The surprise seized the ceremony. The stage had never welcomed so many victors at the same time, among the producers, protagonists and responsible for two lengths. They didn’t even fit at the long television plane. “It has been a bit strange, but thank you very much,” Barrena summarized with the pigheaded In hand. The only one, hence the team of The infiltrated I had to wait to lift your own Goya. “You will have it,” promised a spokeswoman for the Film Academy in the press room.
Article 13.2.4. From this year’s Goya bases he says: “In case of draw in number of votes in the same category, two winners can be proclaimed, with the same rights and including two trophies.” The same document attests that not even the Spanish Cinema Academy knows the result until the moment in which it is discovered at the gala: “The notary will count the votes and will make the winners known /As at the time of the public act of delivery of the Goya Awards. The notary will deliver to the president of the Academy or person in whom delegated, of the corresponding envelopes closed including the name of each winner identified abroad only with the name of each category. These envelopes will be open and read during the celebration of the awards gala. ” That is, notary Eva María Fernández Medina must have been the only one to be surprised when the announcement of the draw left the Spanish cinema astonished. As he cannot exercise outside his jurisdiction, he made depositary to a partner in Granada, Luis Rojas Martínez.
As Tamar Navas explained, which was at that time on stage, in a video with RTVE, within the most anticipated envelope, which Belén Rueda opened, more roles appeared than usual. A folio almost totally blank prayed, in capital letters, although in a relatively small letter: “From the level” And then there were the cards with the names of the two films. Hence, the actress took a while to realize what was happening. And to finish off your ad. “We have been amazed. We were already losing the night, ”said María Luisa Gutiérrez, producer of The infiltrated. “Suddenly we have seen that Bethlehem (wheel) said: ‘No, no. Wait! ‘ And he looked at us, ”added Mercedes Gamero, another producer of the same film. And Echevarría confessed that he immediately thought of three words: “LA LA LAND” That is, that amazing error in the 2017 Osca Moonlight. Laura Fernández I hope, producer of 47he also remembered that precedent, for worse: “I have thought I would have to sit again.”
But at the Spanish cinema party there was no error. “Sharing is the best,” said Echevarría. The possibility, apparently, was always there. However, it never occurred. At least, in the most desired category, as confirmed by an academy spokesman in the Goya press room. Yes it had happened at the 1991 ceremony in the short film category (then there were no different categories of the brief genre): they took the award, at the same time, at the same time, at the same time, White or black, by Andrés Sáenz de Heredia, and The water tripby Nacho Pérez de la Paz, Gracia Querejeta and Jesús Ruiz. Now it happened in the most important Goya. The teams of 47 y The infiltrated They had already coincided, by chance, in a restaurant in Granada, to eat. Hours later, they met again on the stage to celebrate.