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Home Culture Francis Coppola wins the anti-dark award to the worst address: “I chose not to follow the cowardly rules of the industry” | Culture

Francis Coppola wins the anti-dark award to the worst address: “I chose not to follow the cowardly rules of the industry” | Culture

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The famous filmmaker took advantage of his razz to attack the Hollywood industry and assured that “it is an honor to be nominated at a time when few have the value of going against the dominant tendencies of the cinema”

The American director Francis Ford Coppola attends the photocall of ‘Megalopolis’ during the 77th Cannes Film Festival, in Cannes, France, on May 17, 2024.Guillaume Horcajuelo (EFE)

Francis Ford Coppola, winner of Razzie to the worst address for Megalopolis (2024), lashed out at Hollywood in response to the prize and said he has chosen “not to follow the cowardly rules” of the industry.

The Razzie, known as the “Anti-Oscar” since they distinguish the worst films of each year, announced this Friday the winners of their 45th edition.

Megalopolis He had received 6 nominations, including the worst film, a worse cast a couple, worse script and worse secondary actor twice. In fact, Jon Voight won this last Razzie award, imposing himself to his delivery partner Shia Laboouf.

In a statement on his Instagram account, Coppola said he felt “excited to accept the Razzie Award.” Also, he considered an “honor to have been nominated for the worst director, worse script and worse film at a time when so few have the value of going against the dominant trends of contemporary cinema.”

Trailer of ‘Megalopolis’, by Francis Ford Coppola

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The influential director, winner of five Oscar throughout his career, took advantage of the distinction to lash out against Hollywood: “In this world made Trizas, where art is put to qualifications as if it were professional wrestling, I chose not to follow the cowardly rules imposed by an industry so terrified by the risk.” For Coppola, 85, the current industry “may not be able to create films that remain relevant and vibrant within fifty years” despite the “huge young talent at their disposal.”

“My sincere thanks to all my brilliant colleagues who joined me to do our work of art, Megalopolisand remember that the box office only deals with money, and that, like war, stupidity and politics, it does not have a real place in our future, ”he concluded.

In addition to Coppola as the worst director, the superhero film of the Spiderman Universe Madame Web (2024) won the prize for the worst film, Jerry Seinfeld to the worst actor for Without sweetening (2024) Oydakota Johnson to the worst actress for Madame Web.

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