Tomás Rufo made it clear, in his two shifts, that he did not come from stone guest. That arrived with ambition, not to be won the fight and to give legal replica to the maximum current figure: Roca Rey. Rufo set a great capacity action, to know how to understand how, when and how the bulls and times of each task had to be handled. The penalty is that, both in the third and sixth, the enemy was so insignificant that either bull or bullfighter was missing.
His first was a very small bullfight, who lifted slight departure protests. Without prior warming, Rufo drew up to seven right -wing right ones at the beginning of the task. The tortete, of frank onslaught and fair forces, was at the mercy of a dominating crutch. That was an unequal encounter in the face of so much magnitude of the bullfighter and such a scarce entity of the bull that, by the way, kissed the sand on occasion. Rufo took out the entire possible game on the right side, while the bull was more rejected.
The sixth had another point of entity, but he lacked auction in the whole of his stamp. This bull pushed in a first wand of remarkable punishment and although it seemed in principle to take the crutch somewhat booked, Rufo understood it so much that it ended up being a toy in his hands. Ambitious, determined, mounted a long task, with a lot of content. He attacked the bullfighter from afar in the Cite and closely in the crutches of each series. Only a bunch with the left, where the bull delivered less, and all the weight of the task loaded on the right python. A long task. Of bullfighter asks for war. It can be said that it exceeded the test to be announced next to the figure of the moment. He did not regret.
Roca Rey took the caste in the fifth, a remanding of El Parralejo more pubsted than well presented. Two passes changed from the back, interspersed with two flags, began a work of remarkable superiority of the bullfighter. Toro was missing in the presence and essence, but Roca knew how to sell his merchandise very well to an audience delivered without reservations. The bull, barely enemy for the bullfighter, was also one of those who kissed the sand on more than one occasion. The end of the party, with circulars backwards or of law and the bull coined, unleashed triumphalism in the lines. Among the pythons, and a displacement despising crutch and rapter, left the matter ready for sentence. The two ears were asked, but the president enforced the rigor of a first place and only granted one. Roca had to see the prize little, because he handed his ear to a banderillero in disagreement. But the prize was fair.
The second in the afternoon it was difficult to take the deception of Roca Rey. A natural series, well into the task, seemed to react to people. But it was rather a mirage, because the bull, turned into marble, went to the background of what Roca asks and needs. Nothing relevant happened in a half -gas work.
Manzanares cut an ear to the bull that opened Plaza, another from El Parralejo that completed the run, of many kilos but of Fofo content. The prize came for a discreet task, in which he interspersed a couple of natives of a certain packaging, but together more opaque than brilliant. The lunge determined that people ask for a trophy that will only count for statistics. The fourth task, another novillote without a presence, was decompensated. Electric at times, something piled up and accelerated. In one of those insuly trances, the bull was under the deception and was about to turn it on. It was just a scare. A lunge half, of rapid effects, made people ask for their ear, and the presidency, again, knew how to value what had really happened.
Rejoneo morning
In the morning, the traditional celebration of rejoneo, fifth of fertilizer, was held with a half assistance entry. Fermín Bohórquez bulls were dealt with, well presented and of good game. Diego Ventura did the highlight of the morning and cut an ear of the fifth. In his first he greeted from the third. Both Rui Fernandes and Lea Vicens obtained the same result: greetings in their first and turned around in the others. His performances did not pass discrete.
Jandilla, the Parralejo / Manzanares, Roca Rey, Rufo
Four bulls Jandilla and two (1st and 5th) of The Parralejoof little trap the headlines and prayers. Manageable, although lacking caste as a whole and very measured of forces. No score in rods.
José María Manzanares: lunge (ear); Half a half (greetings).
Roca Rey: Low lunge and three unhappy _ notice _ (silence); Past stabbing (ear with the second request).
Tomás Rufo: Stock and discharge (ear); more than half lunge _ notice _ (ear). He left on his shoulders through the big door.
Valencia PlazaMarch 16. Sixth of the Fallas Fair. Full of “There are no tickets.”