More than a hundred activists have asked the Congress on Monday to approve the Popular Legislative Initiative (ILP) backed by 715,606 signatures that urges to repeal the law declared These shows ”. The ILP promoting commission, It is not my culture, All firms have been presented at the Electoral Census Office to be verified within a maximum period of six months. In which, if the agency considers at least 500,000 signatures valid, the Congress of Deputies would be obliged to hold a vote on the proposal within a maximum period of six months.
The representatives of different animalist associations have concentrated in front of the staircase of Congress to claim that “a culture based on life and not on death and cruelty must be built,” they have pointed out in a manifesto in which they have shouted: ” Enough of violence against animals. ” “In Democracy, culture is chosen, it is not imposed,” said the spokeswoman for the ILP promoting commission, Marta Esteban, who has asked all parties, and especially the PSOE to support this initiative when debated in the full because “it goes on rights and freedoms.” In addition, he recalled that “there are deputies and senators of the PP and Vox sympathizing” with this cause and has asked them to “leave freedom of vote.” A priorifor the positions previously maintained by each party, the support for the ILP by adding, Unidos Podemos and Esquerra Republicana, as well as the rejection of PP and Vox, can be virtually sure. The great unknown surrounds the moment when the PSOE, majority partner of the Government, was forced to a vote without nuances: in favor or against.
“We hope you have the majority of the camera. This ILP has all our support and we want to thank on behalf of adding all citizens who have made it possible, ”said Ernest Urtasun, Minister of Culture and spokesman for the Executive’s minority partner, after affirming that” today is a great day ” at a press conference. Urtasun suppressed the National Touromaquia Award, which had been delivering his ministry for years, which generated applause, fierce criticisms and the emergence of an alternative award, now awarded by the Senate and nine autonomous communities, which he recognized in his first edition, he makes A few days, to the filmmaker Albert Serra and the Royal Union of Bull Builders of Lidia (Ructl).
Esteban has pointed out that it is not about prohibiting bullfighting, but that each community or town hall can legislate on it. “The 2013 law blinds bullfighting, so that autonomous communities and municipalities cannot prohibit them if they want … that they let people choose whether or not they want bulls,” he said after pointing out that eight from Every 10 Spaniards reject them.
After urging to disappear public subsidies such as those received by the Toro de Liria Foundation, the spokeswoman has reiterated that “these funds must be used for health, education and non -cruel forms of culture.” “No government that can be called progressive can be left behind in this advance towards a freer, more ethical, more European and more respectful country with our planet colleagues,” he insisted.
The concentration has come deputies of adding, Podemos and ERC, as well as the co -founder of the Ecological Party of the Left Alliance Verde decay in Congress. Also the deputy of adding Nahuel González has trusted that the PSOE “be in this majority” and supports the take into consideration of the ILP so that “the initiative is validated.” “It is surprising that there is no one here from the PSOE represented. We ask them to do to do what society is asking them, that there are many more people than the one who requested that bulls were cultural heritage, ”said ERC Etna Estrems deputy.