The largest world comic, audiovisual and fantasy fair travels to Malaga. The San Diego comic-with had never left the United States before, but this year will to travel to the…
The symbolic hug of kings to the heads of Plennsa in the stand of El País | Culture
by News Roomby News RoomIt seemed complicated that the dozens of people who roamed between the set of eight heads in Alabaster – because of them young women and a young man – that…
Prometheus chained to his home to avoid eviction: Theater addresses the housing and housing crisis | Culture
by News Roomby News RoomAn eviction told through the myth of Prometheus. A lavapiés building that faces two families. A young couple who buys their home in a ghost urbanization. An exhibition on the…
The 2025 Pritzker Prize recognizes the humanist architecture of Liu Jiakun | Culture
by News Roomby News RoomIn Sichuan, near the Jianchuan Museum, there is a very simple little house raised with bricks made from the rubble left by the earthquake that, in 2008, ended with the…
The pianist and prolific composer Felipe Campuzano has died at age 79 in his home in Marbella, as sources close to the family have confirmed to Efe. Campuzano, who lived…
Toshio Hosokawa composer wins the Border Border Award for Music and Opera Knowledge | Culture
by News Roomby News RoomJapanese composer Toshio Hosokawa in front of Stuttgart’s opera, where his Erdbeben opera.picture alliance (picture alliance via Getty Images) The composer Toshio Hosokawa (Hiroshima, 69 years old) won on Tuesday…
Argentina Mariasch (Buenos Aires, 52 years old) is the creator of a hybrid universe in which poetry, narrative and essay erase the known limits. His works feed on lived experiences,…
Some Oscar awards with a lot of tequila and very little Donald Trump | Oscar awards | Cinema
by News Roomby News RoomTequila lubricated the great night in which Hollywood did not want to talk about Donald Trump. The drink flowed with abundance in the four levels of Dolby, where the world…
Albert Serra and the union of breeders collect the National Tauromaquia Award | Culture
by News Roomby News RoomThe film director Albert Serra, for his film Soledad afternoonsand the Royal Union of Bull Builders of Lidia (Ructl) have collected this morning the National Tauromaquia Award 2024, during an…
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