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Home Events Basket weaving workshop with esparto grass. With Sonia Lekuona López (Musketa)

Basket weaving workshop with esparto grass. With Sonia Lekuona López (Musketa)

by News Room
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March 29 | 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

€ Prior registration


In this workshop we will take a short journey through the ancient craft of esparto making. Since the Neolithic, the use of this plant fiber to make baskets and footwear has been known. Throughout the session, we will delve into the different work techniques, the tools used, the treatment of esparto grass and its new applications in contemporary esparto making.

What will you learn?

  • Recognize the different forms of esparto grass that are worked with.
  • Esparto braiding and sewing techniques.
  • Examples of products created with ancestral methods, but with a current design that demonstrates the validity of this traditional craft.

Practical project: Construction of a Basket

After the theoretical explanation, each participant will create their own basket from 15-strand braids (esparto braiding). The process will include:

  1. Base rectangular: Sew several pieces of suit with hemp thread.
  2. Raised from the wall: Construction of the sides of the basket.
  3. Decoration: Customize the interior with pita rope or colored cotton.

This technique is not complicated and, in addition, you will learn different ways of sewing that will be very useful in future creations.

Who is it addressed to?

  • Anyone interested in discovering this craft, with or without prior knowledge.
  • Those with ethnographic concerns or who wish to share a creative moment with friends or family.
  • People who appreciate the craft and are thinking about training professionally in esparto weaving.
  • Teachers who want to transmit this knowledge to their students.

There are fewer and fewer people who practice this trade, which is why it is essential to preserve and disseminate this traditional knowledge, especially in the Malaga area.


An archaeologist by profession and an artisan at heart, she began in the world of plant fibers through the Department of Experimental Archeology of the UAM, later she trained in the workshop of the last esparto maker of Mijas, Francisco Moreno Tamayo. He expanded his knowledge with the teachings of different pleiteras and esparteros as well as in disciplines from other trades (eco dyeing, paper, looms, vegetal covers,…) to later be able to apply those techniques in contemporary esparto making.





Then fill in the fields

  • “The participant selection policy for each workshop is subject to the capacity and the requirements and criteria established by the teachers of said workshops. When there are specific requirements, the order of registration will be the selection criterion.”

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The entrance to the Basket Weaving Workshop with esparto grass. With Sonia Lekuona López (Musketa) it was first published in La Térmica.

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