The one that’s really been doing the round lately is 818, Kendall Jenner’s get rich(er) quick(er) scheme. It’s been a sell-out in the US, was being knocked back at the Oscars, and a little while back made it over here, too. I’ve no idea what ties Jenner to tequila, though there is a fairly amusing photo of her drinking the stuff straight from the bottle with a straw. The internet threw a bit of a hissy fit about that one, slamming her for being irresponsible which, let’s look a little closer here, is patently unfair: Jenner clearly has no idea how to use a straw, given the bottle remains full. Someone needs to drag her for a night on the tiles with the rugby lads at any red brick uni — although, granted, getting a taste for strawpedo-ing spirits might start to put a dent in the modelling career.