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Home Culture Karla Sofía Gascón: “They have left me very alone” | Oscar awards | Cinema

Karla Sofía Gascón: “They have left me very alone” | Oscar awards | Cinema

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A week ago, Karla Sofía Gascón (Alcobendas, 52 years old) was in full battle for the best actress protagonist for her work in Emilia Pérez. And at the same time, he continued to receive attacks in networks for his situation in the world of cinema: he is the first publicly trans interpreter who aspires to Oscar. Until the journalist Sarah Hagi died in the X (old Twitter) of Gascón and brought to light a dozen his tweets with racist and aggressive comments that he had never eliminated from his profile, but that during Thursday resurrected on social networks. In them, he criticized Islam (with expressions against Moroccans as “Moors fucking”), George Floyd (which he calls “drug trafficking”) or about the world of cinema (such as the last campaign of Barbie or the Oscar of 2021).

Mid -morning this Monday, Gascon, already in Madrid, has agreed to talk by phone with the country. He does not know much about his near future, on an agenda with events indicated as the delivery of the critics’ Choice (on Friday in Santa Monica, California), receive the virtuous award of the Santa Barbara Film Festival (California) on Sunday 9, and later its appearance at the Actors Guild Awards (SAG), at the British Bafta Awards, in the French Caesar and the Oscars, finally, on March 2: in all the Spanish is a candidate.

The storm caught Gascon in London, promoting Emilia Pérez For the Oscar. Netflix, who leads the campaign, since he distributes the film in the United States, took it out of an event that same Friday night, while Karla Sofía Gascón sent a statement to various Spanish journalists, where he pointed out that as “human being” he has committed and make mistakes, but that he is not responsible for his words being manipulated, he says, to harm him: “I am only responsible for what I say, not what others say that I say or what others interpret What I say. ” And it emphasizes again in the phone call on Monday: “They will never listen to me to support a war, an injustice, extremism or applaud anyone who oppresses other human beings. Maybe my words are not correct, many times due to ignorance or for pure mistake, I ask forgiveness again if someone has ever felt offended or in the future. ”

If not batallo for the Oscar, it means that I throw everything. I will not allow that luxury to those who hate “

Before starting to speak, quite excited – the talk will stop on several occasions for their tears -, Gascon writes by WhatsApp: “The first thing I mean is that I will never regret it from I do not agree with women to be women Force Burka, I will never allow a Catholic to tell me that I am the work of the devil. I do not want wars in this world, I do not belong to any political party and I will point out what I do not like about everyone, I am against the dictatorships, of fanaticism, of the sheep that we are, of the aggressive manifestations, of machismo. I am in favor of inclusion, positive discrimination because I ended Paraphrase hateors to uncover them. I do not agree with the lynching, the judgments and convictions of the bots y haters of social networks. The worst thing is that any way is good to keep insulting me, but that cares. ”

The actress insists: “Many of those tweets were sarcastic, taken from context and as part of a thread, which finally became a book of mine. It was a project on racism and my experiences that I already published a book, The phoenix you carry inside. However, my most sincere apologies to all people who may have felt offended. ” Although he acknowledges having written many of those tweets, there are at least one, in which Selena Gomez, her wife in October, in October 2022 Emilia Pérez, of “Rata Rica that is the poor miserable.” “It’s not mine, nor did I think about it, nor now. In addition, how was I going to write a tweet against whom I already knew could be my cast partner? I have spoken with Selena and she is clear and supports me. ” Are there more tweets that you don’t consider yours? “I don’t know, because I haven’t looked at them. I closed my account. ” Has he talked to Jacques Audiard, director of Narcomusical, who has also achieved the largest number of nominations, 13, in the Oscars? “It is 100% with me, of course, and it will reaffirm it in a public statement soon.” Have you received any judicial complaint for your words? “Of course not.”

Karla Sofía Gascón, with the best European cinema actress award, received on December 7 in Lucena (Switzerland).Vittorio Zunino Celotto (Getty Images)

The actress insists that “there is something very dark” in how her case has presented. “I had given my access keys a few days ago for the promotion, before they came to light,” he emphasizes. “They are using me. It has not been nice how they have treated me, taking for granted the story that the sick people have wanted to sell. Neither me nor my family are racist, never, quite the opposite, and no one has supported us, it has been taken for granted that some tweets emphasizing hypocrisy, racism and evil that people have in this world were my feelings and not a complaint. For me, an exaggerated joke was an attack on an institution. ” Do you feel alone? “I feel alone, they have left me very alone. In my family, of course, they support me, and my wife and daughter are by my side. And a very important woman in my life, who is Muslim, has understood me perfectly. I have spoken a lot with her and understand what I want to say about the fundamentalism. My mistake may not use the word fundamentalist on Twitter. ”

Also, he insists, that he has not had the opportunity to defend himself: “He caught me from Sopetón, in full promotion. They told me to apologize, and not make statements. But that has left me helpless. Why does all this happen? Why me, a member of a persecuted collective? Why now? And he does not plan to abandon his defense: “If not battalo for the Oscar, it means that it throws everything. I will not allow that luxury to those who hate. ” And he insists: “They have left me without breathing, telling me to shut up.” The last question has to do with your professional future: have you terminated any contract? “Do you remember what I told you the day of the nominations? That it was time to talk more about my acting work and separate from the controversies about the trans. I insist on the same. On the one hand, both from the film that has already been made public, The bad (The adaptation to the cinema of the novel by Camila Sosa Villada, directed by the director and screenwriter of the Oscar Armando Bo), such as the following signed projects, the Spanish and the French film, have sent me messages of support. And later, if I have to make a living with something else, I will. What I am not going to allow is to shut me up so as not to be able to defend myself. ”

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