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Home Culture The Logroño City Council cancels a comedy performance criticized by Vox for “ridiculing abortion and ETA terrorism” | Culture

The Logroño City Council cancels a comedy performance criticized by Vox for “ridiculing abortion and ETA terrorism” | Culture

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The Logroño City Council, governed by the PP with an absolute majority, has canceled the performance of the comic play Despotorreby actresses and screenwriters Ane Lindane and Raquel Torres, scheduled for this Friday, May 31, after criticism from the municipal Vox group in the capital of Rioja, which claims that the production “ridicules abortion and ETA’s terrorism.”

The Logroño City Council has detailed to the Efe agency that the humorous monologue will be performed instead If I were rich, by Elena Somovilla, considering that it is better “adapted to the schedule and type of public” that will attend the event, organized in Gallarza Park this Friday afternoon. In a statement issued this Wednesday, Vox had criticized the scheduling of Despotorrepresented as a feminist comedy, within the CUCO Culture of Commerce initiative, organized by the Chamber of Commerce in collaboration with the City Council, considering “inadmissible for the PP to finance with public money a work that offends the victims of ETA and mockery of abortion”, lamenting the “insensitivity” of the municipal government.

Raquel Torres, one of the creators of Despotorre, has described this decision as “censorship” and has assured Radio Rioja that, before rescheduling them, they received calls from the City Council in which they warned them that if they did not send them the script for the show, they would cancel it. His partner, Ane Lindane, has uploaded a video to Instagram in which she ironically talks about “censorship” on a bench painted with the colors of the Spanish flag and wearing a T-shirt that reads: “Whores and sluts against capitalism.” ”: “If you needed any more proof that the PP is still anchored in 1939, this is definitive proof. They have never seen one of our gigs,” Lindane comments in another video, in which she also explains that the show had been scheduled seven months ago.

Although the work cannot be seen in the session organized by the council, Despotorre It can be seen on Saturday, June 1 at the Sala Negra in Logroño. They describe the show like this: “United in a feminist vision of comedy and free and irreverent in humor, they shape this show that leaves no one indifferent, especially those who are not used to seeing two women making jokes, explaining why machismo constipates or how difficult it is to achieve the physical standards imposed, but without stopping making the audience laugh”

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