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Does creatine cause hair loss?

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If your goal is to gain more muscle, there’s a good chance you’ll switch to creatine. But like any other supplement, creatine also comes with the risk of side effects. Is hair loss a side effect of creatine?

What is creatine?

Creatine is a substance found in meat products and produced naturally by the body. Creatine helps in building muscles and it comes in different shapes and sizes. Creatine supplementation has therefore been proven to promote muscle growth when combined with strength training. So it’s not like a daily scoop of creatine will increase your biceps, you have to train for it. However, it is a safe way to promote muscle growth.

Creatine is an amino acid derivative. It helps create and store the molecule phosphocreatine (PCR), which muscles use to generate energy for short-term, intense exercise.

In addition to providing visibly larger muscles, creatine can also help improve memory and brain function. In addition, it benefits patients with type 2 diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s disease and cerebral palsy. Additionally, the supplement may even help limit concussion damage. It would also help slow down and maybe even reverse age-related muscle loss. In short, lots of benefits.

In addition to the benefits of creatine, the side effects of the supplement are also often discussed, often based on personal experiences (there are quite a lot of facts and myths about creatine). Hair loss due to creatine is one of the stories that is often discussed. But where does this rumor come from?

Creatine induced hair loss: is it possible?

Hair loss: It is a major concern for many men. Not surprising, since up to 70 percent of men experience it at some point in their lives, according to the Cleveland Clinic. In most cases, this is related to a genetic predisposition. If you want to delay hair loss for as long as possible, you should banish everything from your life that might make hair loss worse. And according to some people, creatine is on that list.

Let’s get straight to the point: these rumors are far from true. Multiple studies debunk this story, according to Jose Antonio, an exercise physiologist at Nova Southeastern University: “Creatine has been the subject of over 500 scientific studies. No other supplement or dietary supplement has as much support.”

So there is enough research. And none of this data shows that hair loss is a side effect of creatine use. Research is still ongoing, but according to Antonio, the current level of science clearly shows that creatine does not cause baldness or hair loss.

Where do the rumors come from?

We hear you thinking: where does such a rumor come from? In a 2009 study in South Africa, a group of rugby players in their 20s and 30s consumed creatine daily for three weeks. This study found that rugby players had a “statistically significant” increase in DHT (dihydrotestosterone) levels in participants. This is a byproduct of testosterone, which in high concentrations can shrink hair follicles, shorten the hair growth cycle and cause hair loss.

It sounds intense, but a team of researchers in the International Society of Sports Nutrition reviewed these results. This showed that none of the rugby players actually experienced hair loss. Finally, the DHT levels of the creatine-treated participants already appeared to be different from the placebo group. This was followed by 12 other clinical trials investigating the effects of creatine supplementation on testosterone. However, the same result as in the South African study was never obtained.

Unfortunately, however, the South African study managed to end up in the media. And you guessed it, the creatine hair loss rumor was born.

Does creatine have other side effects?

If used correctly, creatine does not have many side effects. One of the biggest side effects of creatine is weight gain, but this is usually in the form of muscle mass. And that’s not surprising, because those bigger biceps mean a bigger number on the scale.

Some creatine users have found that after taking creatine, they experienced symptoms such as kidney damage, blood sugar problems, heart problems, muscle cramps, dehydration, or diarrhea. But there is no evidence that these symptoms are actually caused by creatine or anything else.

What should you consider when using creatine?

If you are considering using creatine, always visit a trusted store or online store to get the supplement.

Men with underlying kidney disease should always consult a doctor before taking creatine. It is also wise to follow the recommended amount: usually 3-5 grams per day. Gain muscle mass faster, so why take an extra dose? Area. Follow the recommended amount to use this supplement safely.

If you take too much, you are literally flushing your money down the toilet. And well, that’s a shame, isn’t it?

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