Sunday, February 16, 2025
Home Events CTRL+T | literary creation laboratory with Violeta Niebla

CTRL+T | literary creation laboratory with Violeta Niebla

by News Room
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A complete course: February 15, March 1, 8, 15 and 22, April 5, 12 and 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31 | From 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

€ Prior registration


The command CTRL+T It means centering. Align the text to the center. At La Térmica we will do that, put the text at the center and provide accompaniment that allows us to offer each attendee continuous and personalized support that strengthens and polishes already existing writing works.

CTRL+T It is presented as a school and laboratory of literary creation that offers anyone who finds themselves in the process of writing or with projects on pause a space to share and develop your work.

Sessions will be designed to foster creative autonomy and narrative coherence.

In addition, we will have the presence of a guest author once a month so that you can give us your feedback and tell us about your experience.


Violeta Niebla (Málaga, 1981). Writer, photographer and cultural manager. He develops his professional career in the cultural field by co-directing the Malaga International Poetry Festival Irreconciliables. He conducts poetry and narrative workshops, and the University of Malaga reading club. She is co-editor of Letraversal’s LetraCanina collection, and publishes a weekly column in Diario Sur. Currently, he is developing the scenic-literary project PARQUE with the company BOCA AGUA.




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Then fill in the fields

  • Attach your CV for student selection. It can be doc, docx or pdf format.
    Accepted file types: doc, docx, pdf, Maximum file size: 12 MB.

  • “The participant selection policy for each workshop is subject to the capacity and the requirements and criteria established by the teachers of said workshops. When there are specific requirements, the order of registration will be the selection criterion.”

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The input CTRL+T | laboratory of literary creation with Violeta Niebla was first published in La Térmica.

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